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MDMA + Acid (DSN-157-RR)
Sold as: MDMA + Acid
ID: 3736
Sold as: MDMA + Acid
Expected to be: 2CT7
Submitter: Submitted by DanceSafe. Sold as MDMA + 'Acid', in Denver Colorado in early July at a party. Submitter basically incoherent after taking this.

Submitter wrote: 2CT7 is what I believe this is with all test except the Mecke test out as MDMA, the Mecke test out as 2CT7 please test I would like to know what it is. This treats you like MDMA & Acid Candy flip with out the hangover, does treat you so good 1/2 gram two people 1/2 g inside of a whiskey and coke.
EcstasyData: Sample contained only MDMA, no other drug. Field tests at lab were consistent with MDMA.